Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Elvis - Revisited

Last weekend, we had our annual dinner with the theme, Superstar. It took me a while to decide what I should come as. At first I though.. hmmm..... why not, Jesus Superstar. But then again, it might open up more eyes than I would like... someone new to the institution and wearing a loin cloth to a formal function. That would be a laugh.
So in the end, I decided, since I still have my brother's costume... i.e. the Elvis look, I might as well go all out in it...
Even we had our very own "Shakira"!!!!

Take a good look at my shoes!!! Compliments and hard work goes to Paris and BBear!!! And on the other side, we have Mrs Victoria Beckham @ Mrs Prego....

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ryan is 4....

My dear nephew #2 is 4 today..... Here's wishing Ryan Sim a very happy birthday and many many more to come....
I am so sorry I had to missed the birthday party as of all days, I had to work late today and missed the fun.....

They grow up so fast and next thing you know, they are young adults!!!

Should be interesting next year in terms of birthday
since Ryan and sister Sophia's birthday is so close... approximately 6 days apart... Bet Papa Jefri has not realise it yet!!!!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Creation...well..kind of...

After several trials and errors, we manage to perfect the art of making Kuih Pie Tee, a traditional nyonya snack which we have been craving for ever since we had a few in Singapore. I had always thought that Pie Tee was one of my favourite nyonya snack as it was simple and kinda healthy with lots of vege inside a deep fried cup. What I didnt realise was how easy it was to make.... that is of course after several wasted attempts. After researching through the internet with various recipes on how to make it..... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, Brunei's version....!!!
And yes people, its as yummy as it looks!!!
So, do i have any orders???

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sharing Husband..... The Movie

I have not seen that many Indonesia movies, but today I pay my respect to one particular movie called "Berbagi Suami" which literally means "Sharing Husband". It has made its mark globally in various international movie awards. And what is the jest of this movie you may ask?? Well, its about polygamy which is widespread in Indonesia. The producer of this very clever movie links the emotions of women who succumb to such phenomenon. I was particularly impress with the way the story falls into place and how life perceives itself. You would not even have felt that this was a two and a half hours show.... and like two other malay movies that I have also enjoyed just as much, Sepet and Gubra (Sepet 2), a Malaysian production, I salute the movie producers of South East Asia for their quality and excellent movie making!!!!

And what caught my attention from this movie was the soundtrack which I first heard in MTV Jus one Sunday morning. A band that you would never would have expected to be a really cool Indonesia group called, White Shoes and Couples Company. I love their style (ala 60s/70s) and their songs. I am still looking for their album and for those in Indonesia reading this, send me the Album!!!!

I leave you with the music video of White Shoes and Couples Company and the sound track of the movie, Berbagi Suami, entitled Sabda Alam... enjoy....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Introducing....Sophia Yasmin Sim......

Here we have it, little baby Sophia, still so tiny and still so wrinkly... What I was amaze with was the amount of hair on her head!!! Look!!! Of course it has to be her mother's genes..... with that amount of hair... haha...

She was so delicate..... If I am not mistaken, Sophia was born the same time as Jared (her older brother, 34 weeks), and weighs the same as Daniel (her 3rd brother, not sure about the weight) and probably with the looks of Ryan (her 2nd brother).

What I was shock with was the attitudes of the nurses at RIPAS hospital (should we be surprise??). Naz was rush to labour on a wheelchair... well, rush is not the word to use as they were strolling to the ward. Her water had already broke and Naz told the nurse that the baby was about to come out. The nurses did not believe... Please note that the time was 9.45pm and the nurses were "ready" to change shift at 10pm. It was quite obvious that the nurses her more than ready to go home instead of taking up nurses duty of delivering babies. If they were given the chance, I am sure they would like to push the baby back into the womb until the next duty nurse comes in!!!!

Anyway, on the wheelchair Naz actually could feel baby Sophia's head coming out and insisted that the nurse had a look under her gown. So, casually and with much reluctance, they did, and to their surprise, yes, little Sohia's head was already popping out!!!

Only then did they rush to the labour room. Naz was so afraid that Sophia would just pop out while on the wheelchair, but luckily, Sophia was born safety on the labour bed, no thanks to the nurses... who still was waiting for the next duty nurses to take over with the cleaning up of Sophia!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Its a Girl !!!

Congratulations to my brother, Jefri and my sister-in-law, Naz, for another addition to the family. While having a little gossip session with Rosie at Coffee Bean, I received a message from my mum that at 9.53pm today, 16 January 2007, Naz gave birthday to a bouncy baby girl !!!

Her name.......Sophia Yasmin Sim. I have a niece!!!! I have not seen her yet, but I will in the morning... Check out my blog tomorrow on the new addition to the Sim Family.....

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Buang Buring... (Throwing Boredom)

Its not easy trying to entertain oneself whilst on a break in Brunei. All we do is either eat or sleep. Its not too bad for a couple of days but imagine if its for weeks on end and leaving the country is not an option, there is only so much you can do. There is a limited places to hangout, and its usually the same ole place to the point that even the waitress/waiter not only knows you name, but also you age, where you live, where you work and so on.
Last night, we decided to play around with my camera and tried taking pictures of one of the most beautiful landmarks in Brunei, the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddein Mosque. It didn't turn out half as bad, but I am sure with more practice, I can do some more interesting shots....
Apart from that, there were a few interesting sites that I found and one that was introduce by my friend.
The first is my virtual pet that I have adopted, its right at the bottom of this blog. Meet Pringles the Panda. If you click on "more", you will be given bamboo leaves to feed him.
The second is the one that you see at the top of my blog, "What is your Porn Star Name?". Bahrin found this site while browsing Adflin Shauki's website!! My Porn Star name so happened to be "Dick Cocks"!!! Let me know what yours are in my chatterboxs. Should be a laugh. I suppose I could change it every week just to get the momentum going. There's even one for Drag Queen Name Generator and your 80s Theme Song.... So this is what we do when we are bored in Brunei.... hehe...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Post New Year Gathering

A little gathering to come to terms with the new year.... everyone seems a little cautious for this 2007, not because of anything serious, but it adds on another candle to this little thing called "age"!!! Therefore people, its time to live better, eat better and party better... like there's no tomorrow....
Somehow or rather, I have friends who like to put their finger in their mouth as evidenced here..

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Dedicated to the monsoon season...

You will never see mineral water the same way again.... hehe..
I still love this video!! You go gurl!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


On my day off today, I decided that after I finished paying all my bills, I would have a nice slow drive to another district, the Belait District. And since Bahrin is on leave, why not. It has been a while since I visited Seria and Kuala Belait and a very long time for Bahrin, probably a few years, not counting passing by those towns on the way to Miri!!!

We took some "educational" photoes as usual.......
And pretended that we were toursist.... hehe....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

More pics...

I celebrated my birthday three times last week... One was a birthday surprise organised by Bahrin. Thanks to him for getting all our friends together and manage to cover-up all event even with me being very inquisitive. The second one was organised by my colleagues at work. Thanks to the Managers Lily and Joe. And the third one was organised by my family which was fused together with my Dad as his birthday fell on new years' day.
BIRTHDAY #1 (left)

BIRTHDAY #2 (right)


More pics....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Brand New Year

Here's wishing everyone a very happy new year 2007. The last few weeks went by like lightning.. and next thing you know.. its 2007 already!!! Lots of prosperity, happiness and health to everyone.. especially those reading my blog!!! (while you are reading this... I am cyber-blessing you now too.... hehe...)
More pictures to come... with my new camera...!!!