Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Year Older....

They say age is just a number... but it sure is creeping up on us!!! Whether we like it or not, each year we add on a year, and scarily a kilo too!! BB was just telling me that the pants we bought beginning of this year can't be worn anymore. Even our conversation are now slowly morphing into a different level. It starts from:
  1. games & toys to
  2. family vacation to
  3. boyfriends & girlfriends to
  4. parties to jobs & colleagues to
  5. blood pressures & cholesterol level and
  6. God knows what after that.

It's scary but such is life. No sense in regret as like one says, no point crying over spilled milk. We learn to adopt to our surroundings and we learn to take risk. As we embark on our journey called life, each year will be slightly different and we give a toast to each and everyone who already have added another candle to their "low-fat" cakes and also to those who will be adding one more candle soon, including yours truly. Happy Birthday to one and all....

Here are some of our latest recipients for November birthdays.

Our very own DJ Fida

Mrs Pregos (Nor Sharon)

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